Free Therapy Podcast Participant Application

Free Therapy Podcast Participant Application

My Overt

Will you be residing in one of the following states while attending your therapy sessions?


Select your challenge to begin your Journey.

Emotional Wellness

Accordion Content
Learn the causes of anxiety, including insights into your biological and environmental contributors. Our Wellness Pros will teach you multiple techniques, exercises, and practices to incorporate into your daily life that not only help manage symptoms of anxiety but can increase your emotional wellness.

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Learn what happens in your mind and body when you experience a lack of motivation or connection, mood swings, and depression. Our Wellness Pros will guide you through proven techniques to help decrease your symptoms and improve your emotional wellness.

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Learn how emotional wellness and resilience contribute to your mental and physical well-being. Our Wellness Pros will teach you the skills, tools, and exercises to help develop your mental strength and improve your emotional health.

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Relational Wellness

Accordion Content
Learn how to build connection and intimacy in your relationship. Our Wellness Pros will help you explore common relationship difficulties and gain the skills to help you navigate them, strengthen your relationship, and be proactive in maintaining a healthy relationship. You will also receive exercises and tools to help you succeed long-term.

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Learn how to build lasting relationships. Our Wellness Pros will help you learn the skills to strengthen and successfully navigate your close personal relationships. You will also receive exercises and tools to help you succeed.

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Learn how to become an effective parent while developing closeness with your child. You’ll learn about your child’s development and explore common parenting challenges. And our Wellness Pros will help you gain new skills, tools, and exercises to expand your successful parenting toolbox.

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Spiritual Wellness

Accordion Content
Learn who you are and find the uniqueness that is you. With the help of our Wellness Pros, you’ll learn more about yourself and what makes you— you. You’ll explore the characteristics, qualities, beliefs, values, and experiences that define and distinguish you. You’ll also receive exercises and tools to help you thrive on your identity journey.

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Learn how to set a meaningful direction for your life. Our Wellness Pros will support you as you clarify your beliefs, life mission, and goals. You’ll gain skills to help you build effective habits and make actionable steps towards the life you want to live.

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Learn how to show up everyday committed to your identity and direction. Our Wellness Pros will support you as you face normal setbacks and roadblocks. You’ll gain skills to help you build effective habits and make actionable steps towards the life you want to live.

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Still unsure? Try a Journey for free.

Based on what you told us, we do not currently provide chat, group, or individual therapy sessions in your area due to licensing requirements.

GOOd news!
Our Workshops are available to everyone.

Would you like to schedule a workshop instead?

Choose your FREE trial.

After your free trial, choose to continue with self-guided, chat, individual, or group therapy.


$ 0 no credit card required
  • 7-day Access to Content Library:

    - 6 courses
    - 36 lessons
    - Activities
    - Exercises
  • Unlimited Access to Personal Growth Tools:

    - Assessments
    - Habit tracking
    - Journaling
    - Goal setting
    - Task management
    - Personality discovery


$ 0 no credit card required
  • 1 Free 30-min Live Chat Session
  • 7-day Therapist Chat Support
  • 7-day Access to Content Library:

    - 6 courses
    - 36 lessons
    - Activities
    - Exercises
  • Unlimited Access to Personal Growth Tools:

    - Assessments
    - Habit tracking
    - Journaling
    - Goal setting
    - Task management
    - Personality discovery


Most Effective
$ 0 no credit card required
  • One 60-min Emotional Wellness Online Group Therapy Session
  • In-app Therapist Chat Trial
  • Calm: Finding Peace in the Present (Lesson, Acitvities, and Coursework)
  • Personal Growth Tools & Assessments

Access is as simple as 1, 2, 3


Create an Overt account for secure app access. (name & email)


Pick your free session, Wellness Pro, & date and time.


Login to the app, use our free tools, chat, and attend your free session.

I don’t want a free trial and I am ready to purchase.