Emotional Resilience Self-Assessment

The Emotional Resilience Assessment is a tool to help you understand your general resilience and strength as you face challenges in your life. The 16 questions assess your ability to focus on goals, asking for help, and to be flexible through changes in your life over the past 4 weeks. You are welcome to take the assessment multiple times to make goals and measure improvement in your emotional resilience.

You can see the assessment results and make personal goals in the Overt App. The scores of the assessment are meant to serve as a guide in your wellness journey and may reflect other concerns such as trauma that may be affecting your individual score; we encourage you to discuss the results of your assessment with your therapist.


Emotional Resilience

Emotional resilience is the ability to cope with stress, adversity, and challenges in a healthy and constructive way. It means being able to bounce back from difficult situations and maintain a positive outlook on life. Emotional resilience is not something that people are born with, but rather a skill that can be learned and developed over time. Some of the factors that contribute to emotional resilience are self-awareness, self-regulation, optimism, social support, and problem-solving.

Emotional resilience can be difficult to achieve because it requires facing and overcoming various obstacles and hardships in life. Some of the factors that make emotional resilience challenging are genetic influences, early childhood experiences, personality traits, and neuropsychology¹. These factors can affect how people perceive, react, and cope with stress and emotions. However, these factors are not fixed or deterministic, and people can change and improve their emotional resilience with practice and support.

Emotional resilience entails being able to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It also involves being flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances, and being able to find solutions to problems. Emotional resilience also requires having a sense of purpose, meaning, and hope in life, and being able to draw on one’s inner and outer resources. Emotional resilience can help people safeguard their mental health, enhance their well-being, and achieve their goals²³.


Interpreting your self-assessment:

Compare your score for the Overt app to the scoring below to determine if you might be struggling with emotional resilience.

16-28: Very low emotional resilience

29-41: Low emotional resilience

42-54: Moderate emotional resilience

55-67: Strong emotional resilience

68-80: Very strong emotional resilience

(1) What Is Emotional Resilience? (+6 Proven Ways to Build It).
(2) Emotional Resilience Is a Trait You Can Develop – Verywell Mind.
(3) Emotional Resilience – The University of Warwick.
(4) Emotional Resilience: 9 Ways to Be Resilient in Tough Times.

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