Anxiety Self-Assessment


The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire is an assessment tool to assess the symptoms of anxiety associated with the diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  While not all anxiety meets the diagnostic criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, you may still have anxiety.  Keep in mind that the assessment tool is specific for the past 2 weeks.  The following represents a simple breakdown of the scores for this assessment.  You are encouraged to discuss your individual score with your therapist and complete the assessment regularly to measure your progress.  


What is anxiety?

Anxiety is an emotional state characterized by apprehension and nervousness about impending events or anticipation that causes impairment in your life, and it is difficult to control the worrisome thoughts.² It is a normal and adaptive response to stress or danger, but it can become excessive or irrational when the perceived threat is out of proportion to the actual risk³. Anxiety can cause physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms, such as racing heart, sweating, trembling, nausea, difficulty breathing, chest pain, feeling dizzy, restless, or nervous, having trouble sleeping, concentrating, or relaxing, avoiding situations or people that trigger anxiety, or experiencing irrational fears or worries³.

Anxiety can interfere with daily functioning and quality of life, and it may be associated with other mental health disorders, such as depression, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder³. There are different types of anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, phobia, separation anxiety disorder, and agoraphobia, each with their own specific triggers and symptoms³.

Anxiety can be treated with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of both³. Some self-help strategies that may help reduce anxiety include practicing relaxation techniques, exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, seeking social support, and challenging negative thoughts³. If you are experiencing anxiety that is affecting your daily life, you should consult a doctor or a mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment.


Interpreting your self-assessment:

Compare your score for the Overt app to the scoring below to determine if you might be struggling with Anxiety.

1-5: Minimal Anxiety Symptoms.
In this range you may be experiencing stress in life.  It may be helpful to learn about stress response and how it is common to experience some anxiety.

6-10: Mild Anxiety.
You are experiencing anxiety symptoms to the point that it is starting to affect some parts of your life.  This may be in relationships, work, or other environments. It will be helpful to learn about the difference between healthy stress and anxiety.  Skills and other interventions can be helpful in managing symptoms.

11-15: Moderate Anxiety.
With moderate anxiety you notice more impairment in your daily functioning.  You may have worries and racing thoughts about various things and find it difficult to control your thoughts and worries.  Coping skills and different therapeutic modalities can help you manage your anxiety rather than feeling like it is controlling you.  It may also be helpful to talk with your doctor about medication.

16-21: Severe Anxiety.
With severe anxiety you are likely seeing more severe impairment in your functioning.  You may be having severe racing thoughts and worries that you cannot control, and these thoughts seem to dictate what you can and cannot do (e.g. leaving the house or driving).  Therapy is very important for severe anxiety in learning to feel more in control of your life rather than having anxiety dictate what you can and cannot do.  In prolonged states of anxiety at this level, it may be necessary to talk with your doctor about medication in conjunction with therapy.

(1) Anxiety Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster.
(2) Anxiety – Wikipedia.
(3) What is Anxiety and its causes and related conditions?.

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